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The challenge
Performing the ritual ablution is often a challenge, but as Allah intends for you ease the mash is permissible on khuffs.

The idea
We put khuffs into stunning smart sneakers – fitting together as one! That’s SmartKhuffZ®

The meaning
We combine timeless religious needs with practical aspects of today. Fashionable lifestyle and Islam are not opposites!
Invented in Germany – Made for the Ummah!
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Fatwa from the Al-Azhar-Committee about the permissibility of the mash ala khuffain and the legal use of SmartKhuffZ®
Islam is a religion of ease and offers many opportunities of relief for the faithful. Under certain conditions, as an alternative to foot washing, a symbolic surrogate (mash) is possible.
Wiping over the khuffs is valid for one day and night for anyone who is in his/her home town, and valid for three consecutive days and nights on travel.
The conditions for the substitute vary according to the law school (madhhab). In all Sunni law schools the requirement is wearing khuffs.
The provisions of the Sunni schools of Islamic law show that the mash on ordinary socks is not allowed because the necessary nature of the khuffs is not met.
But SmartkhuffZ® meet these requirements!